By: Carol M. Aldridge
I recently attended a teleseminar by Dov Gordon that changed my view of marketing. I realize that’s a significant statement to make, but it’s true. The information outlined in the presentation provided a clear view of how to best shape your marketing message to significantly increase conversion rates. I’m happy to share some of the key concepts with you below.
“The purpose of any marketing message is to answer the #1 question on your prospect’s mind at just the right time.” This is quite a profound statement if you really think about it. Many times we shape our ads and promotions from a perspective of the services or products we provide and what we think our audience wants to hear. More often than not, this doesn't answer the #1 question on our prospect’s mind. Our job is to find out what that question is at any given time.
Dov suggests that to do this, you make a list of all the problems you help solve and all the results you enable. Be specific. You may even poll your best clients to ask them what they value most about the services or products you provide. Then pick one of those problems or results as the focus of your marketing message, and be sure to articulate it in your ideal client’s language so he’ll be sure to immediately understand your point. Avoid the temptation to outline all of your skills and services at once. This will only dilute your message instead of attracting the laser focus of your audience.
Once you've grabbed their attention and piqued their interest, the question on their mind will be, “Can I trust you?”. One way to begin to gain their trust is to create a unique free offer that will begin to solve the problem or gain the result that you addressed in your original marketing message. Although providing value, this free item should leave them wanting more.
Finally, present an irresistible paid offer that speaks to the emotions of your audience and is attainable in their eyes. Watch The Power of Words video and you’ll begin to see how a slight shift in message presentation can result in a major transformation of results.
To get your free offer noticed, use one marketing tactic at a time. Thoroughly package and present it to the audience there, then when complete, move on to the next tactic or venue. Your message will be much more effective and concentrated than if you try to present it across multiple platforms, venues and audiences at once.
The last and possibly the most important step is to follow-up. When someone signs up for your free offer, wait a couple of days and then contact them directly to ask if it was helpful and if you can help them further. Whenever possible follow-up individually to provide a personal touch before automating the process.
In Closing, here are three keys to successfully implementing this marketing system:
1. You don’t need to know everything, and probably never will. Master your current knowledge and then move on.
2. If you are teaching your audience something, be sure they understand the core concepts first.
3. Be sure you have the proper tools, systems and support in place to build your successful marketing system. If you need consultation or specific education, get it. The ultimate value will far outweigh the cost.
For more information, sign up to receive your free copy of THE FIVE STEPS TO A CONSISTENT FLOW OF CUSTOMERS By: Dov Gordon, The Alchemist Entrepreneur.
Image courtesy of TeddyBear[Picnic] at
I recently attended a teleseminar by Dov Gordon that changed my view of marketing. I realize that’s a significant statement to make, but it’s true. The information outlined in the presentation provided a clear view of how to best shape your marketing message to significantly increase conversion rates. I’m happy to share some of the key concepts with you below.
“The purpose of any marketing message is to answer the #1 question on your prospect’s mind at just the right time.” This is quite a profound statement if you really think about it. Many times we shape our ads and promotions from a perspective of the services or products we provide and what we think our audience wants to hear. More often than not, this doesn't answer the #1 question on our prospect’s mind. Our job is to find out what that question is at any given time.
Dov suggests that to do this, you make a list of all the problems you help solve and all the results you enable. Be specific. You may even poll your best clients to ask them what they value most about the services or products you provide. Then pick one of those problems or results as the focus of your marketing message, and be sure to articulate it in your ideal client’s language so he’ll be sure to immediately understand your point. Avoid the temptation to outline all of your skills and services at once. This will only dilute your message instead of attracting the laser focus of your audience.
Once you've grabbed their attention and piqued their interest, the question on their mind will be, “Can I trust you?”. One way to begin to gain their trust is to create a unique free offer that will begin to solve the problem or gain the result that you addressed in your original marketing message. Although providing value, this free item should leave them wanting more.
Finally, present an irresistible paid offer that speaks to the emotions of your audience and is attainable in their eyes. Watch The Power of Words video and you’ll begin to see how a slight shift in message presentation can result in a major transformation of results.
To get your free offer noticed, use one marketing tactic at a time. Thoroughly package and present it to the audience there, then when complete, move on to the next tactic or venue. Your message will be much more effective and concentrated than if you try to present it across multiple platforms, venues and audiences at once.
The last and possibly the most important step is to follow-up. When someone signs up for your free offer, wait a couple of days and then contact them directly to ask if it was helpful and if you can help them further. Whenever possible follow-up individually to provide a personal touch before automating the process.
In Closing, here are three keys to successfully implementing this marketing system:
1. You don’t need to know everything, and probably never will. Master your current knowledge and then move on.
2. If you are teaching your audience something, be sure they understand the core concepts first.
3. Be sure you have the proper tools, systems and support in place to build your successful marketing system. If you need consultation or specific education, get it. The ultimate value will far outweigh the cost.
For more information, sign up to receive your free copy of THE FIVE STEPS TO A CONSISTENT FLOW OF CUSTOMERS By: Dov Gordon, The Alchemist Entrepreneur.
Image courtesy of TeddyBear[Picnic] at
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